Seamless Lead Capture with Real Estate CRM

Capture every lead with ease using Footfallz’s Sign-in and Proprietary Feedback technology.

Our system filters leads based on automatic tags, labels, stages, sources, open houses, listings, showings, offers, and more. This guarantees that agents can tailor a custom approach to each lead, maximizing conversion potential.

Download the app for free now!

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Screenshot of Real Estate CRM Integration, Footfallz mobile app

Seamless Lead Capture with Real Estate CRM

Capture every lead with ease using Footfallz’s Sign-in and Proprietary Feedback technology.

Our system filters leads based on automatic tags, labels, stages, sources, open houses, listings, showings, offers, and more. This guarantees that agents can tailor a custom approach to each lead, maximizing conversion potential.

Download the app for free now!

Screenshot of Real Estate CRM Integration, Footfallz mobile app
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Powerful Features to Streamline Your Real Estate Workflow, Boost Productivity & Close More Deals


Footfallz simplifies task management with its intuitive reminder system, ensuring no opportunity is missed. Automatically creating tasks for key milestones aids in Real Estate CRM lead follow-up and conversion, making the process efficient and effective.

Smart Tags

Tags and labels streamline lead management by categorizing clients for targeted campaigns and personalized follow-ups. Automatic segmentation based on the lead source or event enhances marketing effectiveness and significantly improves conversion rates.


Enhance customer interactions through seamless scheduling of meetings, calls, and follow-ups. Ensure timely engagements with prospects and clients, driving sales and improving customer satisfaction.

Follow-up plan

Footfallz enables the creation of tailored follow-up plans based on lead responses during Open houses. Automate email sending based on feedback, facilitating meaningful conversations tailored to lead requirements, thereby aiding in conversion.

Leads Database

Maintain a single database for leads from open house events, showing agent interactions, door-knocking efforts, holiday events, and offers. This unified database facilitates targeted outreach, tailored communication, and effective engagement with potential clients in the Real Estate market.


The broadcast email feature on our real estate app facilitates seamless communication, allowing agents to keep leads informed and engaged effortlessly.

Real Estate CRM Integration

Footfallz stands out by offering integration with important Real Estate CRM systems through Zapier, creating a cohesive and efficient workflow for agents.

Increase Your ROI with Footfallz Real Estate CRM

Improve Real Estate Sales: Close more deals and boost your bottom line with Footfallz’s powerful lead management tools.

Boost Property Sales: Convert more leads into sales with targeted outreach and personalized communication.

Increase Real Estate Leads: Never miss a lead again with Footfallz’s comprehensive capture system.

Ready to take your Real Estate business to the next level?

Download the Footfallz App Today!

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